You are here: ChatNoir Documentation » General Search API

General Search API

ChatNoir exposes its search interface via a REST API which you can use in your own software to query search results programmatically.

To access the REST API, an API key is required, which we issue upon request to interested parties.


At the moment we provide three different indices to search from:

API Basics

The current API version is provided at /api/v1/. Search requests can be sent as either GET or POST requests and parameters can be passed either via the GET query string or as a JSON object in the POST body.

A list of values can be specified in a GET query string by separating values with commas.

All requests take the required apikey parameter and the optional boolean parameter pretty to format the response in a more human-readable way.

For example, the following two API requests are equivalent:

GET /api/v1/_search?apikey=<apikey>&query=hello%20world&index=cw09,cw12&pretty
POST /api/v1/_search
    "apikey": "<apikey>",
    "query": "hello world",
    "index": ["cw09", "cw12"],
    "pretty": true

It is also possible to mix both forms. If parameters conflict, the POST body parameter takes precedence.

Simple Search

The default search module provides a flexible and generic search interface, which supports the standard operators known from other web search services.

The simple module is the same module that our end-user web search services uses. That means you can use all operators supported by the web interface (AND , OR, -, "…", site:… etc.) also in your API query string.

API Endpoint:

The API endpoint for the simple search module is: /api/v1/_search.


Response Data:



POST /api/v1/_search
    "apikey": "<apikey>",
    "query": "hello world",
    "index": ["cw12", "cc1511"],
    "size": 1,
    "pretty": true


  "meta" : {
    "query_time" : 345,
    "total_results" : 5740000,
    "indices" : [
  "results" : [
      "score" : 621.297,
      "uuid" : "e635baa8-7341-596a-b3cf-b33c05954361",
      "index" : "cc1511",
      "trec_id" : null,
      "target_hostname" : "",
      "target_uri" : "",
      "page_rank" : null,
      "spam_rank" : null,
      "title" : "<em>hello</em> <em>world</em>",
      "snippet" : "Wowjust . could make a poster out of that and sell quite a few i bet. A T-Shirt of this would rock. And it&#x27;d save me the trouble of stapling multiple posters together to wear. :) Very cool script! How mean, we beginners just figure out how to write the &quot;<em>hello</em> <em>world</em>&quot; script the",
      "explanation" : null

Phrase Search

The phrase search module can be used to retrieve snippets containing certain fixed phrases from our indices.

API Endpoint:

The API endpoint for the phrase search module is: /api/v1/_phrases.


Response Data:

* field is not returned if minimal is set.
** explanation is only returned if minimal is not set or explain is true.



POST /api/v1/_phrases
    "apikey": "<apikey>",
    "query": "hello world",
    "index": ["cw12", "cc1511"],
    "size": 1,
    "pretty": true,
    "minimal": true


  "meta" : {
    "query_time" : 575,
    "total_results" : 267741,
    "indices" : [
  "results" : [
      "score" : 194.76102,
      "uuid" : "caccc982-ed46-51c6-a935-1d91fefbc166",
      "target_uri" : "",
      "snippet" : "This is a discussion on <em>Hello</em> <em>World</em>! within the A Brief History of forums, part of the Community Boards category; <em>Hello</em> <em>World</em>! I thought people might find this link intresting, it&#x27;s a collection of how to say <em>Hello</em> <em>World</em> in . <em>Hello</em> <em>World</em>! I thought people might find this link"

Retrieving Full Documents

The full HTML contents of a search result can be retrieved from

GET /cache?uuid=$UUID&index=$INDEX&raw

Where $UUID is the document UUID returned by the search API and $INDEX is the index name this document is from. No API key is required for this request.

A plain text rendering with basic HTML-subset formatting can be retrieved from

GET /cache?uuid=$UUID&index=$INDEX&raw&plain